Citroen 5CV Doctors Coupe
This is a page to show a few pictures of the 1924 Citroen 5CV Doctors coupe I am restoring. This project was purchesed as a tailer load of bits from several different cars (as can be seen in some of the pictures below). We believe that it is an original Australian made doctors couple body for the 5CV which is quite unusual, I haven't seen another like it yet.
The original 5CV body can be seen poking out behind the van which is sitting on top of the chassis. The guards seen here are not the ones I will be using on this car as they do not belong with the body. I will be using one which was purchased though a fellow Citroen enthusiast from the Bendigo swap meet.
The following are just several pictures of various parts of the original body for anyone who might be interested.
The original body sitting on the car. The bottom has mostly rotted away and there has been a small fire in one corner so the body was placed on the chassis to work out the requited dimensions for the parts which are no longer present or in the wrong possition.
Constructing a lean-to to store the parts in and work on the car (as I am not aloud to take over the main workshop for some strange reason).
The one and only door on the passenger (left) side.
Rear window
Looking in from where the firewall would normal be.
Restored engine ready to have the gearbox fitted.
Drivable rolling chassis minus the steering wheel.
The following are several photos showing the (slow) progress of making the new body. Unfortunately there was not much of the original body which could be saved.