cast glass dress fabric tests

November 2016

September 2015

The start of making some small test patches of cast fabric to test various combinations of media blasting and acid etching to get a silky kind of look to the cast glass.

These section are made with a roughly 10mm thick sheet of wax which I pin a piece of fabric to, get the fabric to drape appropriately then used hair spray to stiffen the fabric. Had to be a still day, gave the material two good coats of hair spray and waited a day for it to stiffen. It got surprisingly hard.

Then used a cheap brush to paint a layer of wax onto the material, this made it very stiff. Then using a syringe injected wax into the cavities between the wax covered material and the wax sheet behind the material (had to block off one end so the wax I was injecting didn't just run out and had to inject the wax as cold as I could or it would melt the outer layer of wax on the material and all just leak out through the material.